Heading off to Berlin on a weekend break, I just about ended up doing more flying than sightseeing on account of Easyjet delays there and back again! Six hours delay at one end....
Berln is a city of contrasts not much remains of its past and its future reminded me of something out of the Jetsons.
It was great to see the Wall and it was hard to appreciate what life must have been like when it was up with no man's land in between. What was East Germany is still much draber than West so its fairly easy to tell when you are in what was East or West Germany.
I headed out to Potsdam and checked out the Schloss Sanssouci, where Fredrick the Great resided and head of the Prussian empire, totally different than Berlin and not bombed! There is a whole area there which was known as the Forbidden City as it was occupied by the KGB during the time the wall was up, eerie place..